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Monnalisa's Foundation

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Via Spallanzani 23, 52100 Arezzo




C.F. 92052950513 | VAT 02035030515 | Monnalisa Boutique | Monnalisa Charity Shop

Temporary Charity Shop 2020

2023-10-27 16:56

Fondazione Monnalisa Ets

Projects 2020,

Temporary Charity Shop 2020 | Monnalisa's Foundation

A project to raise awareness among citizens about active projects in the area, creating new connections within the community.

The opening of the Temporary Charity Shops symbolises the desire of the two creators to make Monnalisa a non-profit organisation embedded in the local area and open to listening to the needs of the community.

Thanks to the opening of the Charity Shops, the Foundation has been able to develop a new model of co-design, thus generating ethical-social content in the area where it operates. To manage these Charity Shops, shifts are organised.

Monnalisa's Foundation  began its community solidarity project with the opening of the Charity Shop in Arezzo on December 7, 2020, following a period of research and collaboration with the Liceo Artistico di Arezzo, together with students who attended the Ethical Entrepreneurship course of the Arezzo Ethic Academy, who serve as tutors. Due to its proximity to the Monnalisa Spa outlet, the shop quickly grew in visibility and renown, thus enabling the development of two major Foundation projects.

The first project provides free musical education for children, and the second focuses on educating children through dialogue and intergenerational exchange, always advocating for multiculturalism.

Grafica Temporary Charity Shop 2020 | Fondazione Monnalisa Ets

In December 2020, the Foundation began an ambitious and innovative project in collaboration with local institutions and the municipal administration for the opening of a store in Montevarchi. The objective is clear from the start; the opening of the Charity Shop will support projects aimed at supporting local realities. Moreover, the store is set up and monitored by students from the Tourism and Fashion tracks of Isis Valdarno.


As the first project, the Foundation in Montevarchi decides to develop a charitable project aimed at improving gardens and green areas in kindergartens and elementary schools in Montevarchi, and to provide for the purchase of inclusive play equipment.
Through the sale of Monnalisa Spa branded clothing, it will be possible to continue with the green project in favour of the kindergartens and elementary schools of the municipality of Montevarchi. 

Locandina Temporary Charity Shop 2020 Arezzo | Fondazione Monnalisa EtsLocandina Temporary Charity Shop 2020 Montevarchi | Fondazione Monnalisa Ets



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